Claire Cardwell - Architectural Designer (Blue Designs)

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Browsing Archive: June, 2011

Electrical Certificate of Compliance

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Sunday, June 19, 2011, In : Building 


On 1st May 2009 new regulations came into effect with respect to the issuing and validity of anElectrical Certificate of Compliance.

There are a number of clauses under the The Occupational Health and Safety Act No 85 of 1993, which is administered by the Department of Labour,(initially for workplace safety but extended to residential dwellings), which are now in force and which have an impact on the use and transfer of  houses, dwell...

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I want to turn my garage into a granny flat.

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Tuesday, June 7, 2011, In : Rezoning 
If you want to turn your existing garage into a granny flat then the following need to be taken into consideration. Basically you will probably need to apply for consent for a second dwelling on your property.  Some areas like the Johannesburg area already allow a second dwelling or cottage to be built on the property. You will also need to check your title deeds and zoning to see if there is a restriction on having a second dwelling.  There are some factors that will allow separate living wh...
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I want to work from home or convert it into an office.

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Monday, June 6, 2011, In : Rezoning 
The rules for running a business from home vary from Municipality to Municipality and even from surburb to suburb.  Generally one can run a business from home providing the parking allowances have been met (usually 4 parking bays), if there is a permanent resident in the house and so long as there are no goods sold to the public.  There may be restrictions on signage that you will need to check on.  In order to run a business from home you will need to have the property rezoned to business or...
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How deep must foundations be?

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Friday, June 3, 2011, In : Building 
It's best to consult an Engineer to determine how deep your foundations must be and whether there needs to be steel reinforcing.  This is all dependent on what the soil conditions are and whether you intend building a single or multi-storey building.  The minimum requirements for a foundation are 230mm deep x 600mm wide concrete footing, with 5 course of brickwork (reinforced with brickforce every course) to floor level.  However I can not stress enough the necessity of getting advice from an...
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What can I do to save building costs?

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Wednesday, June 1, 2011, In : Building 
Good supervision on a building site will prevent mistakes and pre-empt problems and thereby save you money.  Having to rectify mistakes is always costly and time-consuming.  Supervision will also reduce the amount of  waste on a site by keeping an eye on what is happening and making sure that the builder runs a tidy site.  The flow of building materials must keep going so that the contractor is not waiting for anything.  This will reduce down time and labour costs of time extensions.  If you ...
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