Claire Cardwell - Architectural Designer (Blue Designs)

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Browsing Archive: January, 2017

Flat-Packed Refugee Shelter Wins Best Design Of 2016 By Design Museum In London

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Tuesday, January 31, 2017, In : Sustainability 
IKEA Foundation and UNHCR's refugee shelter has been named the 2016 Beazley Design of the Year by the Design Museum in London, selected as the winner of Architecture category. Designed by Johan Karlsson, Dennis Kanter, Christian Gustafsson, John van Leer, Tim de Haas, Nicolò Barlera, temporary refugee shelter gives a response towards the global issue of population displacement.
Better Shelter pipped the 5 other category winners to claim the overall prize. Better Shelter is a social enterprise...

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Green Building and Sustainability by Jack Laken

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Saturday, January 28, 2017, In : Green Building 

Our climate is changing. A shift in the number of wildfires, tsunamis, earthquakes, droughts, and heavy rainfalls has been attributed to climate change. These changes have had an impact on agriculture and wildlife, including the introduction of new pests and depleting habitats.

Humans and our current life style practices remain the leading contributors to climate change, with carbon being the main culprit.

To read more go to :-

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Futuristic green city design runs like a real rainforest in Malaysia

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Saturday, January 28, 2017, In : Green Building 
If would If money were no object, what would be the ideal city of the future look like?  Laboratory for Visionary Architecture (LAVA) answered that question with a spectacular design for the Forest City, a proposed masterplan for a new city in Malaysia.  This 20Km2 green smart city will be built around a central rainforest and mimic the forest’s ecosystem by adopting a closed loop system that reuses all its resources and controls out-flow.

Winner of the second place prizeinternational design...
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More than 400 Architecture Firms in the US address Donald Trump on Climate Change in an Open Letter

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Thursday, January 26, 2017, In : Climate Change 

Right before Donald Trump’s inauguration last Friday, more than four hundred American architecture firms—such as Leers Weinzapfel Associates, Smith-Miller + Hawkinson Architects, Lorcan O’Herlihy Architects, Lake Flato, and ZGF Architects LLP—signed an open letter addressed to the incoming president regarding climate change, writes Allison Meier of Hyperallergic. The campaign was organized by the Chicago-based organization Architects Advocate, which formed in September.

The letter asks...

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Students build Solar Devices for Rural Hospital in Africa.

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Wednesday, January 25, 2017, In : Renewable Energy 

 A group of graduate students at Grand Valley State University recently created devices that provide solar power when electricity fails at a rural hospital in Malawi. They then made the 22-hour trip to southeastern Africa to deliver and install the devices, according to a press release.  
Embangweni Mission Hospital is in an area where electricity is often disconnected, and the results can be fatal.
Martha Sommers, an American physician currently working in Madagascar, frequently experienced th...

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Will these houses make you dizzy? Architects Build Rotating Homes

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Tuesday, January 24, 2017, In : Green Building 
Will these houses make you dizzy? Architects build rotating homes.  Imagine living in a house that follows the direction of the sun when it's hot. Or one that offers a different view out of your bedroom window every day of the week. For some bold homeowners this is becoming a reality, thanks to an innovative wave of architects who are re-imagining the concept of the house. Once something firmly routed to the ground, homes are now becoming moving entities that can rotate, change shape, and eve...
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NEXT Solar Window Coating Generates Free Electricity From Sunlight

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Monday, January 16, 2017, In : Renewable Energy 
NEXT Solar Window Coating Generates Free Electricity From Sunlight - they have developed a scalable solar window coating that allows commercial glass products to produce clean energy from the sun. The product pays for itself in a year and provides clean energy for up to 30 years.

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