Claire Cardwell - Architectural Designer (Blue Designs)

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Humans have killed nearly half the trees on earth so far.

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Thursday, April 13, 2017, In : Sustainability 

This is the kind of news that makes us groan. A new study of arboreal density around the globe indicates humans are directly responsible for killing almost half the trees on the planet. This latest report confirms the devastation we already knew, but in a very real way, since this study is the first of its kind to be derived from actual data, giving us a more accurate picture of the Earth’s forests than ever before.
Like many scientific reports, there is good news and bad news in this one, w...

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5th Grader builds off-grid solar powered tiny house shelter for just $10.

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Thursday, March 9, 2017, In : Sustainability 

One fifth grader took a school project to a whole new level with an entire renewably-powered mobile tiny home. Ten-year-old Callie Hilton designed Callie’s Coop, an off-grid shelter powered via a small solar panel that boasts its own rainwater capturing system and composting toilet. The whole thing is light enough that Callie can move it herself, and by using reclaimed materials, she kept the cost of the project to under $10.
Callie’s Coop is Callie’s fifth grade project; she and her cla...

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Duke University researchers use light to convert carbon dioxide into Fuel.

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Wednesday, March 1, 2017, In : Sustainability 

What if the carbon dioxide building up in our atmosphere could be put to good use as fuel? For years chemists have chased a catalyst that could aid the reaction converting carbon dioxide to methane, a building block for many fuels – and now Duke University scientists have found just such a catalyst in tiny rhodium nanoparticles..

Duke University researchers converted carbon dioxide into methane with the help of rhodium nanoparticles, which harness ultraviolet light’s energy to catalyze car...
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Solar Power System could provide clean drinking Water in rural India for the first time.

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Monday, February 20, 2017, In : Sustainability 
A solar-powered purification system could slake the thirsts of rural India with clean drinking water for the first time. This would be no ordinary feat. Tens of millions of people in India lack access to potable water, and roughly 600,000 Indian children die every year from water- and sanitation-related diseases like diarrhea or pneumonia, according to UNICEF. In the country’s most far-flung regions, where 70 percent of India’s population lives, toxic bacteria routinely fouls at least hal...

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Flat-Packed Refugee Shelter Wins Best Design Of 2016 By Design Museum In London

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Tuesday, January 31, 2017, In : Sustainability 
IKEA Foundation and UNHCR's refugee shelter has been named the 2016 Beazley Design of the Year by the Design Museum in London, selected as the winner of Architecture category. Designed by Johan Karlsson, Dennis Kanter, Christian Gustafsson, John van Leer, Tim de Haas, Nicolò Barlera, temporary refugee shelter gives a response towards the global issue of population displacement.
Better Shelter pipped the 5 other category winners to claim the overall prize. Better Shelter is a social enterprise...

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Scientists blend photosynthesis and quantum physics to improve solar cells.

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Tuesday, December 6, 2016, In : Sustainability 
Scientists blend photosynthesis and quantum physics to improve solar cells. Four physicists at the University of California, Riverside decided to blend photosynthesis and quantum physics to work towards greener solar cells. Plants effectively regulate energy flow from the sun, but since current affordable man-made solar cells hover around just 20 percent efficiency, the scientists decided to take cues from vegetation.

Current solar cells require feedback controllers and voltage converters to m...

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Living Microalgae Lamp Absorbs CO2 from the Air

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Monday, December 5, 2016, In : Sustainability 
French biochemist Pierre Calleja has designed a fascinating eco-friendly lamp that could light up streets and parking garages while cutting CO2 emissions. It runs completely free of electricity, powered solely by a tube filled with glowing green algae. The lamp uses the energy created by the algae’s own photosynthesis process to power the light within, while the algae itself lives on CO2 in the air outside.

The lamp is designed so it can store the energy from photosynthesis for later use. Th...

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Furniture grown from bacteria and mushrooms is now available for purchase

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Saturday, December 3, 2016, In : Sustainability 
Mushrooms are good for so much more than just eating. Ecovative, the company behind Mushroom Packaging, has teamed up with cement-growing company bioMASON to create classy furniture grown entirely from microorganisms and mushrooms.   Living organisms are put to work to create the sustainable mushroom furniture in radically innovative processes. Ecovative and bioMASON’s furniture is grown – with mushrooms, microorganisms, and agricultural waste – and consumes far less energy than traditi...
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The Importance of Insulation by Claire Cardwell

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Friday, December 2, 2016, In : Sustainability 

Heating and cooling accounts for up to 50-70 percent of the energy used in an average home. Installing Insulation in your house is the most practical and cost effective way of making your home more energy efficient keeping it warmer in winter and cooler in summer and can save up to 50% on your energy bill. In addition Insulation can also reduce condensation in your home and some types of insulation can make your home more soundproof. A well insulated house is very energy efficient and will ne...
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What you need to know before installing a Rainwater harvesting System by Claire Cardwell

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Monday, November 28, 2016, In : Sustainability 
Water is vital to life and is such a precious natural resource that it makes sense to collect every drop of rain and re-cycle grey water and back-washed pool water. In fact you can reduce your water bill by as much as 90% by harvesting rain water & grey water. To read more go to : -

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Are Algae-powered Oxygen Bars on the horizon?

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Sunday, October 23, 2016, In : Sustainability 
Are algae-powered oxygen bars on the horizon? Take a deep breath... are you ready for this? Algae-powered oxygen bars could be headed your way in the near future. Sometimes when you’re tired or stressed, what you really need is a breath of clean, fresh air. That was the inspiration for designer Adam Miklosi when he created his Chlorella Pavilion, a futuristic, basket-shaped oxygen bar that uses the purifying power of algae to suck CO2 out of the air and rejuvenate it with oxygen. The struct...
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Urban SkyFarm Soaring With Sustainability by Aisha Abdelhamid

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Friday, September 16, 2016, In : Sustainability

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