Claire Cardwell - Architectural Designer (Blue Designs)

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Showing Tag: " building plans" (Show all posts)

How we draw up a set of House Plans

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Tuesday, December 20, 2011, In : House Plans 
We will need to come to site to take measurements and to see how your planned addition will fit in with the rest of the buildings on site and on surrounding stands.  We will also establish exactly what your requirements are.  The next stage is to get copies of previously approved plans, your Zoning Certificate and SG (Surveyor General) diagram from Council - for more information on Zoning Certificates and SG Diagrams check out our article - Getting Building Plans Approved.  We will then draw ...
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What do I do if there are no plans for my house?

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Monday, May 16, 2011,

There are two options that you can follow. The first is to see if you can find out from the current owner who designed the house when it was built, because they should be able to give you a copy of the original plans. If they know who the builder was, he may be able to tell them if they don't know. If the house is an old one then the above is unlikely to be helpful and the only way to get a set of plans is to have someone measure the house and draw them up for you. If you are planning to alte...

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