Claire Cardwell - Architectural Designer (Blue Designs)

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Showing Tag: "water" (Show all posts)

Solar Power System could provide clean drinking Water in rural India for the first time.

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Monday, February 20, 2017, In : Sustainability 
A solar-powered purification system could slake the thirsts of rural India with clean drinking water for the first time. This would be no ordinary feat. Tens of millions of people in India lack access to potable water, and roughly 600,000 Indian children die every year from water- and sanitation-related diseases like diarrhea or pneumonia, according to UNICEF. In the country’s most far-flung regions, where 70 percent of India’s population lives, toxic bacteria routinely fouls at least hal...

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What you need to know before installing a Rainwater harvesting System by Claire Cardwell

Posted by Blue Designs - Architectural Designers on Monday, November 28, 2016, In : Sustainability 
Water is vital to life and is such a precious natural resource that it makes sense to collect every drop of rain and re-cycle grey water and back-washed pool water. In fact you can reduce your water bill by as much as 90% by harvesting rain water & grey water. To read more go to : -

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