Claire Cardwell - Architectural Designer (Blue Designs)

Scroll down for articles on Council , Building, Green Building and Heritage.

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Tips on Saving Electricity
With pressure on the power grid and the rising cost of electricity we all need to think of ways of reducing our electricity bills.

How to Save Water

With water resources dwindling due to climate change, crumbling infrastructure and power outages it is vital to be water wise.

What You Should Expect from your Architect/Designer
I often get calls from people who have worked with an inexperienced architect/designer ... All the money they think they saved by going with an inexpensive architect has been more than offset by unnecessary delays, roadblocks at Council and of course stress... So when picking a Designer think carefully. If you need any assistance with Building Plans please let me know.

Who's Better an Architect or a Designer?

It all depends...  It depends on what you want to build.  If you are planning to build a Petrol Station, large Shopping Centre or a Hotel then an Architect who specialises in these type of projects is the best option.  If however you are planning a home renovation/remodel or want a new house designed then either an Architect or an Architectural Designer will be able to help you. The main difference between an Architect and a Building Designer is that the Architect would have spent at least 4 years at University (followed by another year or two doing a Masters) and a Designer has largely learnt their skills on the job.  As in any profession there are good Architects and there are bad ones (and there are good Designers and bad ones...).

Thatch - What to bear in Mind...

Thatch roofs and thatched lapas are very popular in South Africa, however they are more prone to catching alight because of a lightning strike than any other type of roof.

I got refused home contents and car insurance recently because there is a thatch lapa on the property where I rent my studio...

COUNCIL Articles on the planning process in South Africa with emphasis on Johannesburg City Council.  If you have any suggestions for articles  I should include please let me know.

Building Articles on Choosing a Builder, whether you should build or renovate, NHBRC, Contract Agreements etc. etc.  

 Green Building

Articles on Solar Energy, Renewable Energy, Sustainability and Green Building methods and materials.


All buildings and structures over 60 years old need to go through a Heritage Planning process before they can be submitted to Building Control at Council.  In addition buildings in Heritage Areas or that are Historically or Socially significant will also need Heritage Department Approval before any alterations/additions or renovations can be made.

Town Planning

Johannesburg City Council have replaced the old Town Planning Schemes for Sandton, Randburg, Roodepoort and Johannesburg with a new Consolidated Town Planning Scheme which came into effect on the 1st February 2019. To download a copy please visit the Town Planning Page.


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